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Youngevity Plan1x Pinyon Pine 75% Essential Oil Blend
10ml Dr Wallach

Pinyon Pine 75% is a powerful blend made with 100% pure, therapeutic Youngevity Essential Oils. This blend contains Pinyon Pine (Pinus edulis) and Jojoba Wax.

Pinyon Pine is believed to have a wide range of properties but generally supports a calming, relaxing and clear mind, plus providing emotionally, uplifting effects. In the testing of this oil, it tests very closely to Frankincense and is widely referred to as the Western American Frankincense; and generally preforms as such. This oil is best used for external applications. Pinyon Pine also carries anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic properties and aids with respiratory issues.

Safety Notes: May cause allergic reactions in sensitive or allergy-prone individuals. Do a patch test first and use sparingly. Do not take internally. Use with caution with asthmatics.

Youngevity's statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Proposition 65 WARNING: Chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, or birth defects or other reproductive harm may be present in some products sold here.

Dr. Wallach says one single container lasts a 100-175# person one month. People weighing more should take more in proportion. For example, at 6-feet tall, I weigh 175# and take two a day.

About Shipping:

For ordinary quantities, figure arrival in one UPS or USPS Week, weather and holidays permitting.

Expedited shipping is available but pricey. We charge what the shipper charges us, nothing more.
We usually pay part of International shipping costs, We can't pay customs, international tax, duties, etc., sorry.

We don't ship to Youngevity distributors. Youngevity lets us, but all distributors have agreed to buy directly from Youngevity, not here.

Discounts here:

On Every item, Always. Retail is more than 42% higher. (We could be making 42% more.)

About Quality, Guarantee, Customer Service

Forever Guarantee! We Guarantee Everything that we sell to you, Forever. Money back or replacement, your choice. It's in our policy statement here at Ebay. Keep your paperwork of course.

Totally FRESH. Products are always brand new, factory direct to you. They are never stuck in some toasty/freezy garage or warehouse.

We have unsurpassed customer service:

  • BEFORE the sale with over-the-top information in a non-sales environment. We even wrote books about it.
  • DURING the sale with security that surpasses PayPal, Ebay or Youngevity.
    • We pay a staff extra to do it all by hand, so hackers can't touch us. And we shred.
  • AFTER the sale:
    • Forever guarantee. If you bought it from us and don't like it, you can return it to us years from now for a complete refund. Keep your paperwork of course
      • Youngevity gives you a 30 day guarantee. We think that's insufficient. By the time you find out you didn't like it, you're stuck. Not so here.
    • Free tracking to your door. We post tracking numbers here at Ebay but we took another (expensive) step. We hired a genius-lady to track every shipment right to you. If something gets lost or delayed, she knows! We usually send another immediately on our dime and then we'll obtain our refund from UPS / USPS if we can. Do we lose money? Sometimes, but you're worth it.
  • HINT: It pays to WATCH our items. We hold short Flash Sales. If you WATCH our items, Ebay auto-notifies you when we hold a sale. Casual shoppers generally don't get the word in time, so WATCH our listings. Look for an icon in the top right corner.
  • Or, you can find our store at, and eBay lets us put our contact info there.
  • We also donate products to Charity Auctions. 100% of the sale goes to the winner's favorite charity, or Wounded Warriors.

Our Best Wishes to you!

Some of our favorite sayings:

Caring is the most powerful business advantage.

After a bogus study was refuted, it turns out that there is no evidence linking salt and high blood pressure.

I planned. God chuckled and planned better. Thank God!

You can't blame gravity for falling in love. Einstein

Puzzle: While I was piloting a jet transport, the sun rose majestically in front of us and later set below the horizon behind us four times in six hours. Ask me how.

Why do you never see a headline like "Psychic Wins Lottery"?

Always prefer to believe the best of everybody. It saves so much trouble.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's generosity.

I once saw a complete huge 360-degree double rainbow. Ask me how.

No sales to Russia for the foreseeable future. We support the Ukraine.

In airplanes, why do lavatory windows (if any) have blinds?

Hide yourself in God, so when a man wants to find you he will have to go there first. Alder

My resolution this year is to love more. I told my wife in public and she exclaimed, "HOW?" That felt good. What a compliment!

Divine Love is not something belonging to God; it is God, Himself. WDM

You are Wonderful! You are magic!

For more peace and to have better sleep, merely eliminate resentment. WDM

I will love you until the stars go out and the tides no longer turn. WDM

In a year, you'll be glad you didn't wait. WDM

I am thankful for all those who said no to me. It's because of them I'm doing it myself. Einstein

Show me who you honor, and I'll show you who you are.

Siding with the majority is safer, but you get fewer meaningful things done. WDM

When fishing, release the fish you catch and think about them telling their cousins they were abducted by aliens.

Love is like authoring. First, you must learn the rules. Then, you must forget the rules and write from your heart.

When first I saw you, love instantly stole my sentience and for minutes the only language I could think in was Imbecile. WDMThe first time ever I saw her face, I thought the sun rose in her eyes.

I don't work on my longevity; I work on keeping others healthy. WDM I intend to live forever. So far, so good. Steven Wright

Coincidence is God's way of being anonymous. Einstein

Hold a true friend with both hands.

A joyful heart is good medicine.

"I don't know" means "I'll find out.” WDM

  • 100% FOREVER GUARANTEE. When is the last time your Doctor offered you $1,000 or $100,000 back if a procedure didn't work?? Youngevity has a 30-day guarantee. We don't think that's long enough. After all, you've spent a lifetime in your body, and it might take you 60-90-120 days to fix it. We believe so much in these Youngevity Products that we offer a 100% Forever Guarantee on everything we sell. And we pay the shipping fees Both Ways! It's because caring is such a potent business advantage. We care for you. A lot!
  • When we can, we offer Free Shipping (Orders of $75 and more.) In other cases, we can offer reduced shipping. We just want to make health easier.
  • We like PayPal because it keeps you safer than the rest. But we take Credit Cards of all kinds too, And personal checks, Even cyber coins, And trades/swaps. We even take time payments. We just want to make good health easy for you.
  • We are David and Carol Mitchell. After stellar other careers, we decided to start giving it back and paying it forward. What better than to start a Nutrition business. We found the finest out there back in year 1999 and became Master Nutritionists for American Longevity, which became Youngevity. We know and love Dr. Joel D. Wallach and his magnificent wife Dr. Ma Lan, as well as doctors like Peter Glidden. We consult regularly with them for you. You can find our contact info at https://eBay.Com/Str/YoungevityWallach. Please call us. We love to chat, even if it's about cats. in a non-sales environment. Be highly blessed!
  • BEWARE of consuming cheap, nearly expired, already opened products that cost less than ours. We sell at the lowest legal prices, cheaper than we can get them for our family! One tipoff is that they usually only have 1 or 2 available. Another is that they illegally have other things. like clothing to sell in the same store.