Description • High quality adult Sheba Fine Flakes cat food pouches provide complete nutrition for your feline companion, ensuring they have all they need for a healthy life. • Scrumptious flakes of Sheba wet cat food are carefully produced in a divine melting jelly.• Available in convenient 85g cat food pouches, Sheba Fine Flakes wet cat food with Poultry in jelly is gently prepared, with an exquisite flavour that cats love, time and again.• Delicious Sheba cat food in jelly is made from select ingredients. • Sheba Fine Flakes in Jelly cat food pouches are quality cat food recipes made with no artificial colours or preservatives. Ingredients With Duck Meat and Animal Derivatives (42%, of which 94% Natural*, including 4% Duck), Minerals, Various Sugars, *Natural ingredients With Chicken Meat and Animal Derivatives (42%, of which 94% Natural*, including 4% Chicken), Minerals, Various Sugars, *Natural ingredients With Poultry Meat and Animal Derivatives (42%, of which 94% Natural* including 4% Poultry), Minerals, Various Sugars, *Natural ingredients With Turkey Meat and Animal Derivatives (42%, of which 94% Natural*, including 4% Turkey), Minerals, Various Sugars, *Natural ingredients At Sheba we understand your feline friend's desire for high quality cat food and well-crafted recipes. Sheba has designed a collection of superior cat food and cat treats, with delicious recipes, making feeding your cat a pleasure every time. You'll have them purring and pawing for more. Sheba Fine Flakes in Jelly recipes are a wet cat food with scrumptious flakes, carefully prepared in a divine, melting jelly your cat will adore. Fine Flakes cat food is the perfect pet food choice to inspire a nuzzle of affection. Choose Sheba Fine Flakes cat food with Poultry in Jelly, available in 4 x 85g handy Sheba pouches. A 100% Complete and Balanced wet cat food with no artificial colours or preservatives. Nutrition With Duck Analytical constituents (%):: Protein:: 7.7, Fat cont