This unique canvas poster is a true piece of art, perfect for any art lover's collection. Expertly airbrushed with intricate psychedelic skull designs, this 3D abstract modernism piece is truly one of a kind. Measuring 7 inches in length and 5 inches in height, it is made from high-quality materials and is an original creation from Colorado, USA.

The poster is a licensed reprint, with a production year of 2023 and is the first of its kind. It features a variety of aspects, including the material of canvas, theme of art, and even the region of origin. This one of a kind (OOAK) poster is a must-have for any collector or enthusiast.

Upon purchase please message us with specifics of canvas.


Character (if any)




Please include your name and email address so we can send you templates of premade designs ready to add your custom touch too.