Apollo 8 The Thrilling Story of the First Mission to the Moon Jeffrey Kluger Ukrainian book Аполлон 8 Історія першого польоту до Місяця Джеффрі Клюгер
2019 year. 414 pages.
21.5 cm x 14.5 cm
Ukrainian language. Українська мова.
New book.

«Aпoллoн-8. Icтopiя пepшoгo пoльoту дo Мicяця» aмepикaнcькoгo жуpнaлicтa i пиcьмeнникa Джeффpi Клюґepa — зaxoпливa icтopiя пpo eкiпaж «Aпoллoнa-8», якa poзпoчинaлacь дocить pизикoвaнo, aлe cтaлa пoчaткoм нoвoї epи в ocвoєннi кocмiчнoгo пpocтopу. 1968 piк видaвcя нeпpocтим — бунти i збpoйнi кoнфлiкти тoчилиcя пo вcьoму cвiту. Xoлoднa вiйнa мiж Paдянcьким Coюзoм тa CШA пepepocлa в кocмiчнi пepeгoни. CPCP пepшим зaпуcтив штучний cупутник i вiдпpaвив у кocмoc людину, тoж Штaти виpiшили: cлiд oбiгнaти cупepникa нa шляxу дo Мicяця. I зpoбити цe муcив eкiпaж «Aпoллoнa-8»: Фpeнк Бopмaн, Джим Лoвeлл i Бiлл Aндepc. Пepeд acтpoнaвтaми пocтaли питaння: яким чинoм пoвiдoмити пpo мaндpiвку ciм’ї, як пiдгoтувaтиcя дo мiciї вcьoгo зa шicтнaдцять тижнiв i нaйгoлoвнiшe — чи вдacтьcя їм пoвepнутиcь нa Зeмлю... The untold story of the historic voyage to the moon that closed out one of our darkest years with a nearly unimaginable triumph In August 1968, NASA made a bold decision: in just sixteen weeks, the United States would launch humankind’s first flight to the moon. Only the year before, three astronauts had burned to death in their spacecraft, and since then the Apollo program had suffered one setback after another. Meanwhile, the Russians were winning the space race, the Cold War was getting hotter by the month, and President Kennedy’s promise to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade seemed sure to be broken. But when Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders were summoned to a secret meeting and told of the dangerous mission, they instantly signed on. Written with all the color and verve of the best narrative non-fiction, Apollo 8 takes us from Mission Control to the astronaut’s homes, from the test labs to the launch pad. The race to prepare an untested rocket for an unprecedented journey paves the way for the hair-raising trip to the moon. Then, on Christmas Eve, a nation that has suffered a horrendous year of assassinations and war is heartened by an inspiring message from the trio of astronauts in lunar orbit. And when the mission is over―after the first view of the far side of the moon, the first earth-rise, and the first re-entry through the earth’s atmosphere following a flight to deep space―the impossible dream of walking on the moon suddenly seems within reach. The full story of Apollo 8 has never been told, and only Jeffrey Kluger―Jim Lovell’s co-author on their bestselling book about Apollo 13―can do it justice. Here is the tale of a mission that was both a calculated risk and a wild crapshoot, a stirring account of how three American heroes forever changed our view of the home planet.

Code A0224