Produced in 1996, this privately printed rarity, “The Original Bill Paley" by Kate Paley, is a must-have for any fashion historian or fan of Babe Paley. The book features a collection of stunningly intimate behind the scenes photographs of Babe Paley and her world. The collection is from a private family archive, generously chosen by daughter Kate Paley. This hardcover book is an exquisitely rare collector's item, and personally signed by the author.

It features candid, tender, never seen before photos - many of which were taken by Babe’s husband Bill Paley. Bill happens to be the man who built CBS into the major national network it is today. A true power couple, their style and innovation still influence designers and tastemakers to this day.

The book is a once in a lifetime intimate glimpse into the personal world of an icon. Babe Paley and her status as Truman Capote’s favorite “Swan” is featured on the TV show The Feud this year. The exquisite perfection of Babe is still relevant to this day.

As shown in the pictures, the front cover has some light mild staining which doesn’t obscure the photo or title. It looks like lightly splattered makeup, as if the book was lying near a vanity and was in the way of an accidental flick of a brush. The spots are VERY superficial and didn’t go through to the inside cover or affect the integrity of the cover’s material. Otherwise in pristine condition. No fading, and all images, pages and the binding are 100% intact.

**No one has tried to clean the cover for fear of doing more harm than good. It has the potential to go back to original condition in the hands of a professional**