Large monoecious tree 30 meters high, blooming in spring and distributed throughout Syria, Turkey and Lebanon. It occurs in generally dry, poor soils, even in slightly calcareous areas. With drooping branches and a pyramidal crown, this tree has a very thick trunk and is suitable for creating all kinds of unusual bonsai. Growth is medium and tends to slow down, especially when climatic conditions are very unfavorable. It is a tree that must always be in FULL SUN.

The seeds germinate irregularly and require pretreatment. It is best to prepare the treatment in winter and sow in mid-spring. To do this, first soak the seeds for 24 hours and then dry them in the shade for an hour, then place them in a moist sand mixture in the refrigerator for a month. Once the term has expired, they should be sown directly into a seedbed with a seed tray and substrate or another sand mix. The planting site must be bright and warm, but must not be in full sun, the substrate must be kept moist, transplant the plants to their final location in full sun when they have several pairs of leaves. Birth takes weeks or several months, and the wait can be desperate.

The seeds germinate irregularly and require pretreatment. It is best to prepare the treatment in winter and sow in mid-spring. To do this, first soak the seeds for 24 hours and then dry them in the shade for an hour, then place them in a moist sand mixture in the refrigerator for a month. Once the term has expired, they should be sown directly into a seedbed with a seed tray and substrate or another sand mix. The planting site must be bright and warm, but must not be in full sun, the substrate must be kept moist, transplant the plants to their final location in full sun when they have several pairs of leaves. Birth takes weeks or several months, and the wait can be desperate