DelayPlay was a concept birthed out of frustration caused by watching sporting events on TV while listening to our favorite radio announcers call the game on the radio. The delay caused by Digital TV resulted in hearing the play seconds before seeing it unfold on TV. Knowing the result of a Field Goal attempt before the ball was even snapped was annoying at best...unacceptable to most. People tuned out and resigned themselves to listening to the TV commentators.

DelayPlay changes all of that. A user now has the option to delay the radio broadcast to more closely match the action on the field.

The number of Digital TV viewers, both Cable and Satellite, is increasing at a very rapid pace. Even local Terrestrial Broadcast stations that you used to pull in with rabbit ears are broadcasting in digital as mandated by the FCC. The number of viewers with Digital Set Top Boxes (STB) used to acquire these signals is growing even faster than expected. The process used to create Digital TV is the reason for the delay…as much as 8 seconds or more in the case of Satellite Dish viewers.