For those owning a Kirsten American Girl doll with sad looking hair - this is a fantastic option to replace her hair.  As authentic Kirsten hair in good condition is almost never available to purchase as a wig off the doll, Kirsten collectors must either find a doll in good condition with good hair to obtain one.  The other option is to re-wig.  We've strived to create that replacement by getting close to the original color and length and also to make this wig partable in the back without showing the wefts.  


Note: The braids can be braided tighter for a thinner braid look.  The original wig had more short hairs in the back than this replacement wig making the braids thinner.  We decided to keep the braids as is to give an option for those who like the thicker braid and those that want the thinner braids can cut more short hairs in the back to make skinnier braids and loop them up.  The thick braids will loop up as well.  You can also use our Gretyl in Swedish Blonde wig to take down the braids and do loops if you wish.


Cap Size: 11-12" (Will fit older PC dolls and newer dolls)


Please note pictures of the wig vary depending on if they are taken in outdoor lighting versus indoor lighting.  Wigs are not meant to be put over existing hair and will not fit if you try to do this.  Doll must be bald with the previous wig removed from the head.  To put on the wig correctly line up the front of the wig to the hairline on the front of the doll, hold in place and stretch cap over the head to the back.  Adjust as necessary.