CARRIE THE MUSICAL RSC Barbara Cook Programme Cast list 1988 + priceless bonus

CARRIE THE MUSICAL Music by Michael Gore Lyrics by Dean Pitchford, Book by Lawrence D Cohen. Based on the Stephen King novel.  Performed at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford upon Avon in 1988.  Starring Barbara Cook, Linzi Hateley, Gene Anthony Ray, Sally Ann Triplett, Paul Gyngell, Charlotte d’Aboise. 32 pages. A4 in size. Comes complete with cast list insert. See photo for condition.Condition is used. Inside the programme is good. No missing pages, no scribbles or marks. The cover is black and is very marked, corner crease. See photos.

Bonus - 3 CD recording, never released, of the original production of live from the production soundboard only for your personal collection.  No commercial value or other usage.