This 1:18 scale diecast model car is a beautiful replica of the 1953 Hudson Hornet Club Coupe. It is a must-have for any car enthusiast or collector who appreciates the finer details. The car is made of a combination of diecast and plastic materials, and it features intricate details that truly capture the essence of the Hudson Hornet.

The model car is produced by Diecast Promotions and is part of the Cars character family. It comes with a stunning glossy finish that makes it stand out among other diecast models. This item is perfect for those who are interested in cars, toys, and hobbies. Don't miss the chance to own this gorgeous piece to add to your collection!

This one is a thing of beauty and weighed in at almost 3 pounds by itself!

* real carpet on the floor

* mechanical, assisted hood lever

* opening gas tank door

* the fan in the motor compartment actually moves when the model is pushed!

* Valve stems in the front tires

This model is so impressive- the only negative thing I can say is that the front windshield cover that meets the roof has two chips in it

We will wrap the model inside of heavy duty, bubble wrap, and chip inside a new box

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