In Broken Memories Andréas Lang explores the themes of recollection and history in Turkey. In a series of photographs and videos, he reflects on the disappearance, the discontinuity and the multiple layers of historical writings as well as the overwriting that leaves visible traces of a collective memory long since rendered invisible. He focuses on the contemporary approach to history, but especially on places with links to the later Ottoman Empire, the Armenian heritage and the 1915 genocide. Lang describes his work as visual archaeology that exposes the many layers of history and of mythology, as well as of the present day.
Text in English, Turkish and Armenian.
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Broken Memories

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In Broken Memories Andréas Lang explores the themes of recollection and history in Turkey. In a series of photographs and videos, he reflects on the disappearance, the discontinuity and the multiple layers of historical writings as well as the overwriting that leaves visible traces of a collective memory long since rendered invisible. He focuses on the contemporary approach to history, but especially on places with links to the later Ottoman Empire, the Armenian heritage and the 1915 genocide. Lang describes his work as visual archaeology that exposes the many layers of history and of mythology, as well as of the present day. Text in English, Turkish and Armenian.

Product Details

ISBN 9783735609441
Format Hardback
Author Aylin Vartanyan Dilaver
Publisher Kerber Verlag
Length 23.000 cm
Width 23.300 cm
Depth 2.300 cm
Weight 0.9660 kg