Removed from a ‘96 Fender Lonesrar Strat.

Good used condition, with the typical play wear for a 28 year old pickup. Tons of mojo. Sounds great.

From Evan Skopp, then VP of Seymour Duncan:

“Mike Lewis, who was then head of Fender's guitar marketing (he's now running Gretsch) and I were the ones who worked out the pickups on that pickup. Mike had a background in retail sales knew what the Pearly Gates sounded like and he wanted that tone for this Strat. But, he wanted around 6dB of boost over and above a regular Pearly Gates for the bridge pickup. According to Mike, "When you go into the bridge position, I want a noticeable boost. And the Texas Specials are already on the hot side." So we took a stock Pearly Gates, changed the magnet from an Alnico 2 to an Alnico 5, and added a few hundred more turns. And viola! The Pearly Gates Plus was born.”