Formatt Hitech HT150GCHO2H


Hard Edge

Contains Magenta and Sepia

Made from CR39 Resin

Color Consistency Filter to Filter

Rigid Construction

High-Quality Dyes

Easy to Clean with a Cloth, Solution


The 4 x 6" Graduated Chocolate 2 Filter from Hitech allows you to add color or enhance the contrast of your image. This filter is made to the highest technical standards that deliver a filter that can be used with confidence. Tolerances are manufactured to such a high degree that similar filters can be exchanged from day to day without any trace of difference in the color. Hitech filters are 1.5 mm thick and do not bend like traditional resin filters.

This filter is available in a hard or soft edge variety. Hard edges contain a solid line between transition areas while a soft edge gently blends from top to bottom. It should be noted that many additional effects can be created by using two graduated filters opposed to each other, i.e. one used upside down from the other.