Condition: Used - Good (note: Former library book); Title: Los OrĂ­genes De La Iglesia: Catequesis del Papa Benedicto XVI (Spanish Edition) Various; Description: Este libro contiene 31 sesianes de catequesis que tomaron lugar desde febrero del 2006 hasta febrero del 2007. El Papa Benedicto XVI escribe: 'quisiera dedicar los praximos encuentros del miarcoles al misterio de la relacian entre Cristo y la Iglesia, considerandolo a partir de la experiencia de los Apastoles, alaluz de la misian que se les encomenda 'Quisiera mostrar camo laluz de ese Rostro (de Cristo) se refleja en el rostro de la Igleisa, a pesar de los lamites y las sombras de nuestra humanidad fragil y pecadora ' Este tatulo disponible solamente en Espanol./This book is written in Spanish only. This book contains 31 catechetical sessions that took place from February 2006 to February 2007. Pope Benedict XVI writes: 'on our next Wednesday meetings, I would like to focus on the mystery of Christ's relationship with the Church,especialy on the experience of the Apostles and the mission that they were entrusted 'I would like to show how the light of that face (of Christ) is reflected on the face of the Church despite our limits and the shades of our fral and sinful humanity '; Category: Books > Subjects > Christian Books & Bibles > Catholicism; Publisher: Liturgical Press; Author: Various;