Robert Adams - Standing Still
Inside book photo was taken from a different used book than the one for sale.

"STANDING STILL celebrates a small front yard -
its verdancy, and the changing light and seasons.
In it each day can be the first day."

Photographs copyright 2020 Robert Adams
Publication copyright 2020
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-1-881337-52-2

Project coordination: Ola Dlugosz
Design: Katy Homans
Tritone separations: Thomas Palmer
Printing: Meridian Printing, under the direction of Daniel Frank

Excerpt of "Songs" from Times Alone: Selected Poems by Antonio Machado © Antonio Machado.
translation © 1983 by Robert Bly. Published by Wesleyan University Press and reprinted with permission.

Fraenkel Gallery
'49 Geary Street
San Francisco, CA 94108

Distributed by:
D.A.P. | Distributed Art Publishers
75 Broad Street, Suite 630
New York, NY 10004

Jeff, Frish, Ola, Matthew and Dawn, Ken, Amy,
Rebecca, Alex, Torin ... thank you for your vision,
discipline, and kindness.