The Sector Microwave USAP4 Dual waveguide switch is a component used in RF (Radio Frequency) systems, specifically in applications where waveguide technology is employed for signal transmission.

Here's a breakdown of the components mentioned:

Dual Waveguide Switch: This switch allows the routing or switching of RF signals between two paths using waveguide technology. It facilitates the selection or diversion of signals as needed in RF systems.

SMA Connections: The switch likely features SMA (SubMiniature version A) connectors, which are commonly used in RF and microwave systems for their precision and durability in connecting coaxial cables.

MC Cable: This might refer to the type of cable used for connection purposes in the system. The exact details of the MC cable (such as length, specifications, or shielding) would depend on the requirements of the specific setup.

28VDC Power Supply: The component requires a 28-volt DC power supply for operation.

The "plain" mention might refer to the absence of any specific additional features or modifications beyond the basic functionality of the switch.

This type of component, often used in RF test setups, communication systems, or radar applications, facilitates the control and routing of RF signals within the specified frequency range and connector types.