CD rom 
The great story of the Giro d'Italia CD-ROM 1997
   * The history of the Giro d'Italia
      News, curiosities, results of all editions of the tour. The search "Timeline" is divided by decades.
    * The 20 great champions
      Biographies, exploits and curiosities of the 20 champions who made the history of the Giro d'Italia.
      Here are the 20 "listed": Costante Girardengo, Giovanni Brunero, Alfredo Binda, Learco Guerra, Gino Bartali, Fausto Coppi, Fiorenzo Magni, Charly Gaul, Ercole Baldini, Jacques Anquetil, Vittorio Adorni, Felice Gimondi, Eddy Merckx, Giuseppe Saronni, Bernard Hinault, Francesco Moser, Stephen Roche, Laurent Fignon, Gianni Bugno and Miguel Indurain.
    * The Big Challenges
      History and curiosities about the great duels that thrilled sportsmen: Binda and Guerra, Coppi and Bartali, Merckx and Gimondi, Moser and Saronni.
    * The men who told the story of the Giro
      The chronicles of the great chroniclers who linked their name to the Giro d'Italia: Mario Ferretti, Sergio Zavoli, Adriano De Zan.
    * The Big Surprises
      The champions who won the Giro d'Italia unexpectedly, like Clerici in '54, Pambianco in '61, Balmamion the following year, Bertoglio in '75, Pollentier in '77, Hampsten in '88 or Chioccioli in '91.
    * Big businesses
      The victories that marked a turning point in the champions' careers and the historic stages.

It was expensive at the time


      Here are the 20 "listed": Costante Girardengo, Giovanni Brunero, Alfredo Binda, Learco Guerra, Gino Bartali, Fausto Coppi, Fiorenzo Magni, Charly Gaul, Ercole Baldini, Jacques Anquetil, Vittorio Adorni, Felice Gimondi, Eddy Merckx, Giuseppe Saronni, Bernard Hinault, Francesco Moser, Stephen Roche, Laurent Fignon, Gianni Bugno and Miguel Indurain.       History and curiosities about the great duels that thrilled sportsmen: Binda and Guerra, Coppi and Bartali, Merckx and Gimondi, Moser and Saronni.       The chronicles of the great chroniclers who linked their name to the Giro d'Italia: Mario Ferretti, Sergio Zavoli, Adriano De Zan.       The champions who won the Giro d'Italia unexpectedly, like Clerici in '54, Pambianco in '61, Balmamion the following year, Bertoglio in '75, Pollenti