This is a 1/24 scale officially licensed replica model toy car. 

The remote controlled Car has true to model features, which means that this radio controlled car is just a scaled down version of the real thing, and it will provide hours of entertainment for adults and children alike. 

The remote controlled car has an easy to use hand held remote control which allows you to fully control the movements of the vehicle – Forward, Backward, Left/Right, and Stop.

The car is good looking, sturdy and hard wearing and will make a great gift. 

Supplied ready to run just add batteries- requires 2 x AA batteries for the controller and 3 x AAA batteries for the car.

Key Features:

Suitable for smooth, flat surface use.

1:24 scale.

2400MHz frequency - race multiple RC toys in the same area at the same time.

Top speed 5MPH.

Size H18.4, W7.6, L4.7cm.

Batteries required: 3 x AAA (not included) and 2 x AA (not included).

Up to 60 minutes drive time.

For ages 6 years and over.