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Synthesit Oxygen Force


 Synthesit Oxygen Force  it is not a medicine, it is a  bioactive dietary supplement, based on bioactive iron.


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Synthesit is a broad - spectrum bioactive product. It helps to restore vital functions of the body, normalize biochemical parameters of blood, increase vitality and energy. Synthesit has no analogues and does not have a toxic effect.



Synthesit? Iron is an innovative bioactive product with broad-spectrum action. Synthesit? helps restore vital functions of the body, normalize biochemical parameters of blood and increase energy levels. Synthesit? is a unique product which has no analogs, and it has no toxic effect.

Studies and customer reviews show numerous biological properties of Synthesit?:


According to the research by the Federal Research Institute of Medical Primatology, Synthesit use helps supports the production of stem cells that stimulates the restoration of the hematopoietic system (hematopoiesis), helps to create the store of new immune and blood cells for organs and tissues. More than 2 times faster regeneration of muscles, skin, organs and bone tissue. The functions of internal organs are restored. The aging process slows down. Faster healing of ulcers, wounds, burns, fractures and boils.


Reduced risk of heart attack and stroke, lower blood cholesterol levels, blood thinning effect. Reduced symptoms of hemorrhoids and relapse prevention. Cessation of heart pain, normalization of pulse, relief of tachycardia and arrhythmia, restoration of the normal ECG rhythm. Increase in the level of oxygen saturation of the blood up to 100%. Reduction of the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) to normal values. Reduced symptoms of varicose and spider veins.


Synthesit helps regulate the biochemical parameters, depending on the needs of the body. As a result, the parameters return to the normal age values of a younger age. Significant changes were noted in the levels of creatinine, uric acid, bilirubin, cholesterol, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), ALT (alanine aminotransferase), AST (aspartate aminotransferase), hemoglobin and ferritin levels.


All of the mentioned biological properties of Synthesit lead to a decrease in biological age, restoration of basic and other body functions, increase in lifespan and quality of life, and contribute to active longevity.

Normalization and increase in the number of healthy stem cells provides significant aid to: enhance immune system; reduce levels of inflammation; stabilize arterial blood pressure; lower risk of a heart attacks and stroke; improve the respiratory system; restore the functions of the digestive, sexual and excretory systems; improve the musculoskeletal system; stabilize the nervous system and sleep; reduce allergic reactions; improve the condition of skin, nails and hair; increase endurance; accelerate the recovery of muscles and ligaments after intense exercise. Health is youth.





   People taking Synthesit report the following positive changes:



More detailed information can be found on the official website of Synthesit 

as well as on the YOUTUBE channel dedicated to Synthesit.




Recommendations for use based on scientific research