Regelbau R634 - Armoured Machine Gun Embrasure - Octeville-sur-Mer – 3D printed model

This bunker was equipped with an armoured copula with six embrasures for machine guns. The sides of the copula are 25 cm thick. The muzzle of the machine gun was mounted in a ball head which fitted exactly into the embrasures. When the embrasures were not in use, they could be closed with heavy shutters. In the top of the copula was a periscope for surveying the terrain around the bunker.

The copula is part of a type Regelbau 634 bunker. The walls and ceiling are 2m thick and offered the soldiers good protection against bombardment. In the bunker was an ammunition room and bunks for the crew of nine soldiers.

In the Iron tower there was a shooter and a helper to operate the MG 34 machine gun, which was mounted on a special foot (M.G.-Schartenlafette 34 Ks) and locked into the embrasure.

This bunker Type was designed by the Heer for 'The army'. This bunker Type is part of the Regelbau program in the Second World War.

This is a multipart model.


The model measures approx.:

265mm x 276mm x 134mm @28mm Scale

174mm x 181mm x 88mm @00 Railway scale

132mm x 138mm x 67mm @15mm Scale

Digital Taxidermy is a new design studio producing ranges of 3D printed models and STL files for home printing. Our little world has spawned a series of science fiction stories set in our world under the heading ?A Jolly Fine Dystopia? these stories and the models are heading towards a tabletop skirmish and RPG game still to come.


The model is printed in PLA at a 0.3mm layer height. It will have a texture consistent with filament printing.

Smaller scales may be substituted for print in ABS-like resin.

Some clean up and finishing may be required. 

Models are supplied unpainted and It will be printed to order, allow max 10 days for production.

It will be printed to order.  More items like this, STL files and short sci-fi stories are available from our website. Hunt in the virtual wilds for the Digital Taxidermy, you might like what you find.

Some of the images supplied are computer generated and are for reference. They are images of the files that will be 3D printed.

15mm 1:100 scale
20mm 1:72 scale modeler
28mm scale 
1:76 for 00 railways
1:87 for H0 railways
1:144 scale
1:160 N Scale railroad