Arlecchino and the Carnival of Venice - When the cat meets the dove

Arlecchino and the Carnival of Venice - When the cat meets the dove

Giovanni Festa,Davide Di Marino

Autore: Giovanni Festa,Davide Di Marino
Pagine: 40

First decade of the 18th century. The Serenissima, always a bulwark of the West, begins its decadent phase: lust, gambling and war on the borders of the Aegean Sea wear down the historical foundations of the Republic. The Doge, Giovanni II Corner, wants to revive the fortunes of his city with the "Craziest carnival in the world", by inviting the most important royal families to join the event.Musicians, street performers, dukes and countesses are going to paint the city in red; among the docked ships at the pier, four shady figures, coming from far away lands, step on the venetian soil.What push them far beyond their limits is revengeĀ… The rich and the poor, priests and atheists can only rest their hopes on the shoulders of that extraordinary and extravagant trio. This masked trio is lead by the ardent soul of the young Arlecchino.