ElternjahreReinhard K. Sprenger

Art Nr.: 3963840862

ISBN 13: 9783963840869

Untertitel: Wie wir mit Kindern leben, ohne uns selbst zu verlieren

Erscheinungsjahr: 2023

Erschienen bei: John Verlag

Einband: sonst. Medien

Maße: 150x150x16 mm

Gewicht: 170 g

Sprache: Deutsch

Autor: Reinhard K. Sprenger

IntroductionIn the early 1980s American Express Co. tried out a new marketing conceptto increase the use of their card and the cards acceptance at retail outlets (Anderson1996). For every purchase, a consumer made using an American Express cardAmerican Express Co. would make a donation to charity. First, American Express Co.used this marketing practice in San Francisco, and following the success of thatcampaign, the company later developed a national campaign that benefited therenovation of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. American Express Co. had hitupon a marketing concept so innovative they were able to copyright the term theydeveloped to describe it: Cause Related Marketing (CRM).