GU-35B GU-35 GU35 ГУ-35 ГУ35  powerful generator tetrode GU-35B for operation as an oscillator and broadband high-frequency amplification at frequencies up to 250 MHz in television transmitters.
Design - metal-glass, with an external anode and annular leads of the 2nd grid and cathode.


General characteristics

Filament voltage, Volt 6.3
Anode voltage, Volt 1000
2nd grid voltage, Volt 800
Plate current, mA 1000
Filament (heater) current, A 34±4
Plate current, A 1.8±0.5
Reverse 1st grid current, mkA no more than 50
1st grid voltage, Volt no more than - 100
Mutual conductance, mA/V 24 to 31
Gain coefficient of 1st grid in relative to 2nd grid 11±2
Inter electrode capacitance, pF:




output 6
transfer 0.7
Operation time, h more than 2000

 The working position is vertical.
Cooling - forced:
- anode - air at least 400 m3 / h,
- legs - air not less than 100 m3 / h,
- cylinder - air at least 60 m3 / h.
Weight 2.5 kg.

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