It is a unique artifact reflecting our historical and cultural heritage. Produced with fine craftsmanship and carefully selected details, this trinket adds a historical touch to your living spaces and carries a powerful symbolism at the same time.

Product Features

·         Details Embroidered with Symbols of the Ancient History of the Turkish Nation

·         Crescent Star Detail Embroidered with Featured Velvet Fabric

·         In a Special Protected Box

·         TURKBOYTU Booklet with All Details of the Trinket

·         Height 32.5 cm

·         En: 15.1 cm

·         Weight 1500 gr


Why Choose This Ihram Set?


Cultural Value: The antique yellow color and detailed craftsmanship reflect the richness and depth of Turkish culture.

Aesthetic Design: Adorned with unique details, the trinket adds visual appeal to your living spaces.

Quality Workmanship: Carefully crafted by experts, the trinket is long-lasting and durable.

Meaningful Gift: It offers a meaningful gift that will remind your loved ones of Turkish culture and history.


Turkboytu Trinket is a perfect option to complete the decoration of your home or office and bring the beauties of Turkish culture to your living spaces.


!!! IMPORTANT !!! - Customs and Import Taxes - (especially for Non- U.S Buyers)


Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. Before placing your order kindly check with local customs department so you will be aware of the tax amount you are required to pay to release the item.


There is a customer responsibility to clear all import related fees; refusal of paying those will result in a non-refundable return shipment. This is due to the production, shipping and insurance costs of the items.


​​- Team ihvanTR!