Product Description
Yoga Chair is a headstand bench that allows easy inversion because your shoulders rest all the weight of your body on a comfortable cushion and you are able to balance yourself with your arms by holding onto the legs of the yoga chair.  Replaces the need for blocks and also gives a feeling of secure body movement and range.

Health Benefits of Inversion
Reduce nerve pressure  ●  Realign the spine   ●  Relax tense muscles  ●  Realign the spine  ●  Rehydrate discs  ●  Short term relief from lower back pain   

Health benefits of inversion therapy

There are said to be many potential health benefits of inversion therapy for your respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive and immune systems — not to mention anti-aging benefits and mental health benefits similar to those of yoga. Here are some of the most popular reasons people practice inversion therapy today.

Relieving back pain
Our body is affected by the downward pull of gravity through everRey day things like walking and moving. These may contribute to spinal compression, pinched nerves and back pain over time. Hanging upside down may help alleviate back pain associated with compression by temporarily stretching the muscles and ligaments around the spine.

Maintaining posture
Job stress and strain, as well as activities like sitting at a desk or performing repetitive tasks, can all have a negative effect on your spine. These activities may also lead to a misalignment of the hips and contribute to poor posture. Inversion therapy gives your spine and the opportunity to stretch, realign and improve your posture.

Relaxing muscles
Inversion therapy is an effective way of relaxing and stretching out your muscles. Hanging upside down allows gravity to relieve pressure on the lower part of your body. This exercise may also trigger a series of “cracking” sounds across your body, which also alleviates built-up pressure.

Clearing the lymph system
Because the lymph system only flows in one direction, waste may begin to collect and build up over time. Spending a few minutes upside down could help your body to adjust lymphatic flow and remove that waste naturally.

Improving blood circulation
You can give your heart a helping hand while you hang upside down. Being inverted helps move your blood to the upper part of your body more easily.