If you want a signed copy, I can get one for you. I wrote this. It won the Trekstar and Fan Q Awards and was a huge seller. The ultimate Mary Sue story ... of a match made in hell. Ensign Feldman, the ship's inanist, has only joined star service to run away from home. She, as so many others, lusts for Mr. Spock, and havoc ensues. Also, the only landing party story where Captain Kirk returns with two black eyes,and Spock returns with a bucket stuck on his head, dripping ... something everyone hopes is only water.

Not explicit, but adult.

Few copies around, and I happent to have 'em

As I said, if you want it signed just say so. Won every award they had at the time. Launched my small career as a sitcom writer. Redid it in smaller type to make it lighter to mail, but the same amazing Feldman.

I recall advertising this every month with a different blurb in various Trek newsletters. What follows below is from Fanlore Wiki, where someone compiled them, calling this probably the most self-blured zine ever:

Summaries and Blurbs from the Author

"Tales of Feldman" has got to be about the most self-blurbed-about zine in fandom; the author had a different one for each ad, and one each in different zines.

a 1981 flyer printed in Antithesis #14

And as Feldman would say, You should live and be well.

Oh, I'll soon be lising More Tales of Feldman too. Stay tuned for such great moments as Spock's bris, and the ultimate, intergalactic Jewish wedding!