Wonderful 2 carat above average diamond chandelier earrings featuring multi loop design. See pictures for measurements. Great for every day or that special occasion

I am a Gemological Institute of America (GIA) graduate with certificates in diamonds, colored stones, pearls and jewelry essentials.  I work actively in the jewelry industry.  I purchase new and pre-owned jewelry pieces for resale.  I go to great lengths to weigh, measure, take photos and list all details.  I do not accept returns , please review all pics and information before buying. In the unlikely event a return is made all fees for shipping, insurance and all other fees related to the transaction will be deducted from your refund.

I will make every effort the ship the day following payment receipt, which is expected within 48 hours, please.  I try to charge a reasonable shipping fee which will always include insurance.  Please keep this in mind when leaving feedback.