This M Houndoom EX from the BREAKthrough set of the Pokémon TCG is a must-have for any collector or player. With its Fire attribute, 210 HP, and Extended Art feature, it is a powerful and visually stunning card. The card is manufactured by MEGA and made from high-quality card stock with a Holo finish, making it a durable and beautiful addition to your collection.

The card is in Standard size and comes from the United States. It is a Basic stage Pokémon with the Creature/Monster Type of a dog and the character name of Houndoom. It also has the Speciality of EX and Rarity of Ultra Rare, making it a rare and highly sought-after card. The card number is 22/162 and the illustrator is 5ban Graphics. This card is perfect for fans of the Pokémon TCG, regardless of whether they are collectors or players.