Standard sticker and Inside glass outside viewing sticker explained

Standard sticker,these are the usual examples of when you think of stickers they can be placed inside/outside/on glass the image/print will be facing you when peeled off and applied, for example on a laptop, fridge, car bumper, door etc

Inside glass outside viewing is just that- Especially made for glass/windows to be placed inside glass/windows for outside viewing which is slightly more cost and harder to find. These stickers are usually applied to the inside of shop/vehicle windows for outside viewing, the sticker can be viewed from outside and cannot be peeled off/tampered with from outside. A good warning clearly visible on the glass/window before anyone enters the premises. I have sold some of these 20 years ago and they still look good and vibrant not washed out like some inferior quality stickers.

Both are durable and totally waterproof/weatherproof.

Please see example pics for the difference to avoid any doubt of a standard and Inside glass outside viewing sticker so you know, and to avoid disappointment.

Resin based stickers so less likely to react to chemicals,waterproof, And excellent scratch resistance so better quality than solvent printed stickers.

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