利運談 / Riundan [Chats on Fortune and Profit], Volumes 2 and 4
Bunka 13=1816

Two volumes, bound as one, from a four-volume set of anecdotes taken from the history and legends of East Asia to illustrate the proper way to approach the acts of living.  You may recognize celebrated scenes in here from China, Korea, and Japan, including fairy tales and myths, as well as events from history.  All are told with a moral purpose, and the assumption is that if you live life properly, you will eventually be rewarded.
Volumes with 29/21 leaves, 100 pages all told.  Frequent illustrations throughout, signed by Settan, a noted illustrator.

利運談 / Riundan

 千鐘房 : [文化] 丙子, Kōto [Tokyo], [Bunka] heishi [1816] / Senshōbō, Kōto [Tokyo], [Bunka] heishi [1816]