An Artist of the Floating WorldKazuo Ishiguro

Art Nr.: 057128387X

ISBN 13: 9780571283873

Release year: 2013

Published by: Faber And Faber Ltd.

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 196x126x20 mm

Pages: 248

Weight: 222 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Kazuo Ishiguro

It is 1948. Japan is rebuilding her cities after the calamity of World War Two, her people putting defeat behind them and looking to the future. The celebrated artist, Masuji Ono, fills his days attending to his garden, his house repairs, his two grown daughters and his grandson his evenings drinking with old associates in quiet lantern-lit bars. His should be a tranquil retirement. But as his memories continually return to the past - to a life and career deeply touched by the rise of Japanese militarism - a dark shadow begins to grow over his serenity.If you enjoyed An Artist of the Floating World, you might also like Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day, now available in Faber Modern Classics.
Information of Author
Kazuo Ishiguro's seven published books have won him wide renown and many honours around the world. His work has been translated into over forty languages. The Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go have each sold in excess of 1,000,000 copies in Faber editions alone, and both were adapted into highly acclaimed films. His latest novel is The Buried Giant.