Blackview BL8800 Pro 5G 8/128GB 3G / LTE / GPS Green
Screen diagonal:6.58" / Display resolution:2408x1080 / Matrix type:IPS / Processor:MediaTek Dimensity 700 / Number of cores:8 / Processor speed:2.2GHz / Number of SIM cards:2 SIM / Number of front camera megapixels:16 ( f/2.0) MP / Number of megapixels of the main camera: 50 (f/1.8, wide angle) + 8 (f/2.2, ultra wide angle, 117 degrees) + 2 (depth of field) + FLIR Lepton 2.5 thermal imaging camera MP / RAM: 8 GB / ROM:128GB / Operating System:Android 11
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