Satin Blue Tumbled Art Glass Handmade Pendant Necklace Black Braided Cord Wood Bead J2419

The natural shaped art glass cullet piece has been hand picked and has been tumbled and placed as a pendant in the black braided cord necklace. Cord necklace is 32" long and glass piece is interchangeable and can be changed out to another piece of glass, crystal or stone of your choosing. The art glass cullet is from the vintage cullet I offer. If you are interested in another piece to change your necklace, note that it will need to be a piece that is roughly 1" to 1 1/2" and not all pieces may work depending on size and if it will fit into the pouch in the necklace. I am happy to test any additional pieces to be sure they fit - feel free to send me a message to do that.

More information about Vintage Art Glass Cullet: My art glass cullet is remnants from old glass factories throughout the Midwest. The chunked glass is from the process of clean out of the glass after a production run. These pieces are very unique in color and pattern due to the unusual mix of glass that might have been cleaned out of multiple runs of different colors. Much, but not all, of my glass is from the Fenton factory.