
Himalayan Pet Supply dog chews are your original hard cheese chew, but made using innovative & traditional Himalayan techniques. Our Himalayan yak chews are made with all natural ingredients and contain no preservatives or binding agents. The dog chews are made with the best sourced yak and cow milk, and are naturally gluten free, grain free, soy free, and lactose free so any dog can enjoy! Thanks to our high quality, authentic ingredients, our yak cheese Himalayan dog chews are irresistibly tasty, long lasting, easily digestible and are sure to keep your dogs busy for hours. The dog chew treats can be enjoyed by dogs of all breeds and sizes. Himalayan Pet Supply offers a variety of different dog chews and dog treats to satisfy all kinds of chewers.
YAK CHEESE HIMALAYAN DOG CHEWS: Made with an ancient Himalayan recipe from the mountains of Nepal. Each Himalayan dog chew is expertly hand crafted by artisans using ancient techniques passed down through families for hundreds of years.
JUST CHEESE: Milk sourced from the best yaks and Cows. Ingredients are natural with no binding agents, preservatives or additives. The process removes lactose making these yak chews 100% lactose free, gluten free and grain free.
KEEP YOUR DOGS HAPPY FOR HOURS: Your dogs will love chewing, licking & hiding these rawhide free chews for hours on end. These long lasting dog chews keep aggressive chewers busy.
EASILY DIGESTIBLE HEALTHY DOG TREATS: These long lasting Himalayan dog chews are harder and longer lasting than standard rawhide chews and bully sticks. These dog snacks are easier to digest with no lactose, gluten or grains added.
FOR DOGS OF ALL SIZES: Himalayan Hard Cheese Chews with a medium density that are great for dogs of all sizes. Includes 3 dog yak chews per pouch.