Very good condition.

Has lots of writing in it shown in pictures.

2 pages of hot toys for Christmas.

Martha Raye In Focus

What Happened When She Posed For Some Not-So-Still Photographs

Martha Raye sat in the artificial light

of the photographer's studio. Around

her, crouching like acolytes before

some priestess of an obscure cult,

were several others.

They included the photographer, the

photographer's wife and a youthful

assistant; Nick Condos, Martha's man-

ager and former husband; a brace of

press agents and, in the background,

a man identified by Condos only as

"Al." "Meet Al," he said genially, "the

best croupier in Las Vegas."

"And now," the photographer said,

"mes amis, if you please, I must have

your attention."

Ice tinkled in Condos' glass.

"Martha's very cooperative," Condos

said. "She hates to have. her picture

taken, but she'll do anything to please."

Martha climbed upon a table and

danced a small gavotte. Her legs were

slim and shapely. Flash bulbs banged.

"Tres bien," the photographer said.

"Very fine indeed."

"Martha," someone said, "this Phil

Silvers, is he hurting your show?"

Funnyman Silvers, with his new

filmed half-hour CBS show, is wrest-

ling with NBC's Martha Raye Show

every third Tuesday night on TV.

"I haven't seen the show," she said.

"They say it's funny. Phil is one of

the funniest....


"Now wait a minute," Condos in-

terrupted, waving his cigar at the

questioner. "Now wait a minute here.

I'll tell you about Phil Silvers. Phil

Silvers got our writer, that's what

Phil Silvers got. He got Nat Hiken.

Phil Silvers got the drum-beaters

pounding their tambourines all over

town for his show. We got nothing."

Condos stopped talking and glared

about the room.

"So what happens?" Condos paused

again. "So we clobbered him in the

ratings. Clobbered, clobbered, clob-


"Phil's all right," Martha interrupted


Martha Raye and Melodye: 'Mommy,

why don't you ever run down?'

hastily. "Phil Silvers is a very fine

comedian, I'm not going to knock the

other fellow's act."

Condos stared into his glass.

"Martha's right," he said finally.

"We got nothing against Phil Silvers.

We just got a better show. continued


----------- 2 -----------

What's His Line?

Newsman, Vice President, Moderator,

John Daly Really Specializes In Charm

After 17 years as a newsman and a year-and-

a-half's tenure as an ABC-TV vice president,

John Daly still is best known for the clever

and sometimes coy asides he tosses during

the national parlor game, What's My Line?

A large, voluble man of 41, Daly is opti-


mistic about this paradox.

----------- 3 -----------




Santa may still have his

eight reindeer to help him

deliver, but a glance at

these pages will reveal

how heavily he's banking

on TV for inspiration in

filling his sleigh.

1. Jerry Mahoney Doll.

2. Captain Gallant Game.

Rin Tin Tin Game.

Ramar Chemistry Set.

Annie Oakley



3. Supersonic Jet Cruiser.

4. Superman Doll.

5. Disney World Globe.

6. Color TV Theater.

7. Pluto, Tramp Puppets.

8. Microscope Set.

9. Crockett Alamo Set.

10. Gene Autry Guitar.

11. Jackie Gleason Bus.

12. TV Horse Seat.

13. Mickey Mouse and Lady


14. Circus Wagon Toychest

(with J. Fred Muggs and

Friends inside.)

15. Golden Tuba.

16. Dragnet Squad Car.

17. Dragnet Game.

18. Turbo Jet.

19. Donald Duck Rolatune.

20. Rocket Launcher.

21. Jimmy Durante Uke.

22. Howdy Doody Doll.

23. Mickey Mouse Doll.

24. Ding Dong School Rhy-

thm Set.

25. Pinky Lee Doll.