CM108AH - USB Sound Card Pre-Modified for Allstarlink Node use. Primarilly for use with handheld type radios, So can be used in all the current popular simplex, duplex and radio free node designs :- G7RPG, G5REV. G6LBQ and NR9V etc. So, If your thinking of building an Allstar node and you don't fancy modifying the sound fob yourself, then here is the fob duly modified with the smd components, wire links, and silicon radio leads fitted and then tested. 

This is the simple modified type which requires that you use the simpleusb-tune Menu option 12 under Hamvoip Admin Menu using Putty or a similar SSH client program, toggling menu item ” I ” PTT mode to active HIGH.

If you require a transistor PTT isolated version, see my other item found elsewhere on Ebay.

Thanks for the view, please fell free to email me with any queries, and keep safe.


Bill G4XYR