Product Description

Super Marine Collagen – Hydrolysed Peptides.

Take Small Steps To Feel Your Best

CaliGold Health Liquid Multivitamins and mineral supplements are easily absorbed, helping boost our chances for the greatest possible health and stopping vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

  • CaliGold Health is here to help you stay on track with vitamins and supplements

CaliGold Health Hydrolysed Marine Collagen

100% Natural Flavour & Natural Colour

Our Super Marine Collagen contains an amazing 10,000mg of pure peptides in every dose. Our fish collagen has been created for maximum absorption. It includes all of the essential amino acids the body needs, including 18 amino acids in total.

  • Unlike regular types of collagen, these collagen peptides (or hydrolysed collagen) are easily absorbed, meaning the body can use them more efficiently.
  • Fish collagen is absorbed up to 1.5 times more efficiently into the human body, which signifies it has preferred bioavailability over porcine or bovine collagen

Super Marine Collagen

Marine Collagen Peptides fish extracts

Liquid collagen makes its way into the bloodstream quicker as it does not need to be broken down like tablets. The liquid is also much easier to use than powder form as it is easy to add to your smoothies, morning coffee, or cold liquids without having to worry about lumps or unmixed powder. You can even add it to your morning oatmeal.

Dosage of Using Marine Collage Liquid

Benefits of Marine Collagen

Collagen is highly beneficial for decreasing wrinkles, strengthening hair & nails, reducing and stopping cellulite, lessening joint pain and swelling, growing muscle, and promoting rehabilitation from exercise or injury, and reducing inflammation. It is a great alternative for those who are seeking to try other natural products rather than pharmaceutical

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