All raw single cards are packaged with top loader and fit to size bubble bags with an external zip bag utilised to assist with waterproofing.

Depending on the freight option selected, the minimum package utilised for shipping within domestic Australian postal areas are:

Photos shown are representative photos - all cards sold are pack fresh and generally only subject to manufacturer defect. Any noted with significant manufacturer defects will be mentioned in the listing.

Card Condition Definitions:

Near Mint:

A Near Mint card looks like it has never been played without sleeves. Small allowances can be made, but the card generally shows no wear. The border of NM card can have small white spots, but they must be very few and very small. When the card is inspected under bright daylight, the surface must generally appear clean. It can have a few minor spots, but scratches can never be allowed for NM cards.


Excellent cards usually have a couple of white spots at the corners or around the border. The surface may have minor scratches, that are visible upon closer inspection. However, the card cannot be graded Excellent if the creases are so deep that they are visible upon first sight. An Excellent card is usually in a condition where it is not quite clear if the card would be considered marked or unmarked if it would be played in a tournament without sleeves.