Percentage of this sale goes to a Palestinian charity.

Authentically made in Palestine, this traditional headdress holds a timeless charm that has captivated hearts for over seven decades.

The Kufiya embodies tradition, taking inspiration from the rural farmers who originally donned this iconic pattern. As it grew in popularity, it gradually evolved into a powerful symbol of Palestine. It also represents unity, resilience, and a connection to the land.

The Kufiya is meticulously handmade using a specific cross-stitching technique passed down through generations. These time-honored techniques are treasured by a select few artisans, who have dedicated their lives to preserving the authenticity of the craft. Experience the historic significance and craftsmanship of the Palestine Hirbawi Kufiya (kuffiyeh).

By wearing this kufiya, you not only celebrate the artistry but also contribute to the preservation of a cultural legacy.

This Keffiyeh made from breathable cotton and very comfortable to wear you can wear it for any occasion. 

High-grade cotton 170g/m2

The kufiya dimension is 47 by 47 inches


• The Kufiya is selected randomly.

• As this is a handmade product expect some inconsistencies - weaving may be thicker and thinner than pictured. Some threads may be loose but these can be cut easily without damaging the keffiyeh. Labels may be folded or left hanging as pictured. Some keffiyeh have tassels on 2 sides and some on all 4.

• There are 3 types of labels as shown: the traditional in arabic, HirbawiOriginal and Some re-seller have added their brand tag on the Kufiya for instance the double tag.

All Keffiyeh are unique and authentic handmade in Hirbawi Factory in Palestine.