


Author: Holly Hobbie

Book Title: Fanny

Format: Hardback

Isbn10: 0316166871

Isbn13: 9780316166874

Language: English

Number Of Pages: 32

Publication Year: 20090219

Publisher: Little, Brown & Company

Sub category: Children's Books

Sub category: Activity, Early Learning and Picture Books

All Fanny wants in the world is a Connie doll, but Mom says 'NO!'

But no one ever said she couldn't MAKE one instead! With some scissors, glue and her craft box in hand, Fanny sets out to replicate Connie, but it's Annabelle who is the result of her efforts. A little lopsided and a little unkempt, Annabelle turns out to be the companion Fanny has always wanted. Though at first her friends turn up their noses, in the end everyone learns that using your imagination and working with your own two hands can result in the best toy of all!

Author biography

Holly Hobbie has worked as an artist for more than thirty years and is the author of ten previous and highly acclaimed Toot and Puddle picture books, as well as an illustrated memoir, The Art of Holly Hobbie

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