'Age of Heroes' The Witch Hunters Gauntlet Book - By B A Schulte

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Harry Potter!"

One day 14-year-old Samantha Hathaway's biggest problems are snarky cheerleaders and co-workers at the mall, and the next day she finds herself the prime suspect in the theft of a powerful magical artifact that could spark a war between magic and science.

For generations the Hathaway family has protected the world from the secret dangers of magic, monsters, and mad science. As the last heir to this proud legacy the suburban couch potato is recruited into Miller's Grove Academy, an elite new school full of inventors, monster hunters, video game champions, pop stars, and wannabe world conquerors. Between the new classes, hover board experiments, vampire attacks, and impending doom Samantha makes new friends and vicious new enemies.

Samantha and her new friends must navigate a dangerous secret world to identify the real thief, defeat a resurrected sorcerer, and stop the coming war.

Worst. Freshman Year. Ever.

New Book, but cover slightly bent through storage

Grab A Bargain

No time Wasters