
All details are described in the included documentation. This is a kit and requires assembly.

The B1500 RF amplifier Backpanel Unit is designed to sit between a LDMOS RF power amplifier and the rest of your shack. It handles RX/TX switching, antenna selection and transceiver interfacing. It also has a clean, high-efficiency DC-DC converter that supplies 12V at a maximum of 3A for all the amplifier additional circuitry, display, relays and fans. It will run on any input voltage from 15V to 55V.

The B1500 is designed to be used with RF power amplifiers up to 1500W and offers minimal insertion loss and mismatch up to 72Mhz. It can also be used on the 2m band with a minor hit in performance: 0.6dB total insertion loss and SWR below 1.3:1.

This is an Advanced level kit and assumes you have a good understanding of electronics. The PCB is supplied with the surface-mount components already installed, but some of the parts supplied in this kit will require assembly and soldering.

The Control Port is designed to connect to a central unit that handles amplifier control and protection (like the C1500 Control Unit). It routes signals from the external AUX port and also includes control lines for antenna selection and input & output switching relays. All signals are in the 0-5V range and can be easily interfaced with a microcontroller of your choice (eg: Arduino). The signals are described in the provided Assembly Instructions.

Kit Contents

  • 120*100mm PCB board with installed SMD parts
  • All additional parts that need to be installed
  • Connectors
  • Bolts, nuts, washers, spacers for panel mount
  • Assembly instructions
See all details on qrpblog.com.

See my other items, I am also offering other modules to build a complete HF/VHF RF power amplifier.