Neueste aktuelle Version, Paarpreis, made in EU:

aktueller Testbericht:

EINER DER BESTEN LAUTSPRECHER, unabhängig vom Preis, bei uns im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Lautsprechern anhören möglich, wie z.B. Kii-Audio, B+W 802 D3, uvm ....

Vermutlich der einzige VOLLBEREICHSLAUTSPECHER weltweit in so kleiner Baugröße.

Bereits die allererste Version erzielte auf der HIFI-SHOW in GB:

"BEST SOUND OF SHOW " ! (Preisunabhängige Wertung...)

EINZIGARTIGE PREIS-LEISTUNG, räumlich wie ein Elektrostat ohne dessen Nachteile, 30 Hz aus einer Regalbox ?

Ab 10 Watt Verstärkerleistung (auch Röhre) ideal auch für kleinere Räume geeignet.

Völlig neue Denkansätze des schwedischen Psychoakustikspezialisten und Entwicklers machen es möglich. 

Der weltweit einzige echte Vollbereichs- Mini Monitorlautsprecher ist noch besser geworden!

Die Guru Q10  ist das Nachfolgemodellder von der Kritik gefeierten Guru QM10 und QM10two.

 Noch geringere Klirrwerte und deutliche Verbesserungen im Bereich des Timings bringen eine noch bessere Auflösung und Transparenz mit noch größerer Abbildungsgenauigkeit der dreidimensionalen Bühne und eine für die Größe des Lautsprechers unerreicht tiefe Basswiedergabe.

Klein und unauffällig: Die Guru Q10 wurde für Wohnräume und wandnahe Aufstellung entwickelt !

Leicht zu betreiben: Die Q10 nutzt die Raumreflexionen um den einzigartigen Kombination aus hohem Wirkungsgrad und

Tiefbasswiedergabefähigkeit zu erreichen.

Stimmig: Die QM10 ist auf extrem niedrige Phasenverzerrungen hin optimiert und kann die Wellenform der Aufnahme sehr präzise rekonstruieren.

Jeder kann mithören:

Die Q10 generiert ein „sweet field“ anstatt eines „sweet spots“, dadurch können mehrere Personen
gleichzeitig den optimalen Klang geniessen.

Perfekt natürlicher Klang: Die Q10 kann viele der jedem Stereosystem immanenten Verfärbungen kompensieren*. Dadurch kann die Q10 als Klangquelle geradezu verschwinden und ist nicht mehr zu orten.

Es entsteht ein unglaublich natürliches
Klangerlebnis, genauso wie beim Genießen der Originalmusik.

Sie wählen wie Sie hören wollen: Die QM10können Sie sitzend oder stehend genießen, die richtige Raumabbildung bleibt erhalten und Sie genießen einen echten dreidimensionalen Raum, egal wo Sie hören.

Die Daten:


SENSITIVITY 87dB (2,83V, 1m)





ENCLOSURE TYPE Helmholtz resonator


DRIVERS  1×20,5mm (0,8″) dome tweeter, 1x102mm (4″) black mineral fibre coneI


1 – 4 m




AUSZÜGE aus TESTBERICHTEN über die QM10(Vorgänger:

The QM10 has wide bandwidth, great sensitivity to dynamics and low level
detail and remarkable imaging. [...] It’s a totally addictive design [...] The fact
that it looks good to these eyes at least is an added bonus in these interior
conscious days. ”

Jason Kennedy – Hi Fi+, 

“The QM10 has been Guru-fied into a card-carrying high-end speaker, and it is a remarkable achievement. If this initial offering from this new company is any measure, Guru Pro Audio might become as familiar a Swedish name as Volvo, Ikea, or (dare I say it?) ABBA. Anyone considering spending about $2700 on a pair of speakers of any size must hear the Guru QM10.”

Colin Smith – Soundstage AV, 

“The system built around the Guru QM10 loudspeakers sounded amazing… No wonder: In addition to it’s uncanny bass extension, the diminutive Gurus had great timing, a real sense of flow and momentum and reproduced the spatial element of music with a sense of image height that one seldom hears from any loudspeaker at any price” – Art Dudley of Stereophile.


The Guru QM10 has garnered a 5-star review and Best Buy award in the Hi-Fi Choice magazine! “These speakers are exceptionally communicative, expressive and entertaining, to the point where the whole experience quickly becomes seriously addictive.” – Review by Paul Messenger of Hi-Fi Choice magazine, Nov-08 issue.

“… nothing I’ve heard for this size/money approaches the Gurus for full-blooded satisfaction. They energize the air with music like no other small speaker I’ve heard and do so with organic liquidity – this is true engineering magic. I’m a big speaker guy who could live with the QM10s.” - Review by Robert Learner of Sonic Flare

“I asked, How can these little speakers reproduce timpani and bass drums like that? This was deep, wholesome bass with solid impact — the kind you’d expect from a much larger speaker, not something as small as the QM10.” – “For a small speaker, this level of bass performance is simply astonishing.

hat’s more, despite the fact that the Gurus were pumping out solid, deep, tight bass, there was no evidence of port noise or chuffing.” – “Conversely, Raul Midon’s guitar and vocals on the title track of State of Mind [CD, EMI 71330] were refreshing, accurate, and clean, with not even a hint of excess treble energy. Most interesting, though I can hardly stand its overbright sound through most speakers, was the vibraphone on Jazz at the Pawnshop [CD, Proprius 7778], which was highly listenable with the QM10.” -”Coherence between the woofer and tweeter was excellent; the two drivers did a very good impression of a well-executed coaxial speaker. his helped the Gurus “disappear” with most good recordings. On tracks featuring well-recorded hall ambience, these speakers were sometimes mesmerizing. The vast interior of the cathedral that served as the recording venue for Holst’s The Planets was transported into my small listening room to a degree that almost had me wondering if my walls and ceiling had been removed.

The imaging was pinpoint, and the orchestra’s various sections were presented so three-dimensionally that I felt I could get up and walk around them. Smaller venues, too, fared well; the Ray Brown Trio’s Bassface: Live at Kuumbwa [CD, Telarc CD-83340] sounded particularly spacious and full of verve.” – “The QM10 has been Guru-fied into a card-carrying high-end speaker, and it is a remarkable achievement.” – Review by Colin Smith, Soundstage AV.

“the tweeter Öhman has designed seems to work miracles” - “transients…excite the system to the point of frightening reality” - “never for an instant did the GURUs allow the music to lose its drive; they never let things hang” - “everyone who hears them is astonished at their level of performance” - “what great speaker design is all about” - “… it’s just too good to be true.” - Review by Mike Quinn, Jazz Times.

“Easily the best sound at the show was in the Tom Tom Audio room, where a mid-range Naim system was driving an unusually squat, black loudspeaker that looked rather like a professional desktop monitor… Wondefully musical and capable of an entirely captivating performance, it also produced bass like no other compact speaker (using a four-inch driver) we’ve ever heard.” – Show coverage, Hi-Fi Choice.

“They performed an amazing trick of not only seeming to make the speakers themselves disappear but provided such a huge scale of sound up, over and around the direct centre soundstage it was actually quite bizarre from little boxes … Absolutely terrific …” - User review in the Naim forum

“… I was not expecting the results I heard from the QM10s – with eyes closed you imagine big speakers behind such an articulate well formed soundstage, but coming from such modest little boxes is really amazing! I listen mainly to female vocalists and heard Claire Martin and Kate Rusby like I have never heard before.” - User review in the Naim forum

“In fact, when the listening session was over, I was completely blown away. Of all the shows I’ve been to, and of all the speakers I’ve listened to, there has not been a single one that has impressed me as much as these squatty looking boxes.” - User review of the Guru QM10.

Unser Tipp auch an hochwertigster Elektronik.