Size: 2'8 x 4'5 ft

This handmade Pictorial Afghan Rug is made of Sheep wool, this rug will make your room even more beautiful.

The way they're intricately Handmade brings out the beauty of the colors in a really stunning way. 

And this handmade rug not just pretty to look at – This rug is built to last. Investing in one means you're investing in something that'll stick around for years to come and even increase the value of your home. 

Plus, by supporting the talented weavers who put their heart and soul into creating This rug, you're also supporting a sustainable and ethical industry. 

So why not treat yourself to the beauty and benefits of owning a handmade rug today?

1. Timeless beauty: Handmade rugs add a classic touch to your home with their beautiful designs that never go out of style.

2. Tough and lasting: These rugs are made to withstand wear and tear, meaning they'll stay looking great for years to come.

3. Boost your home's value: Investing in a handmade rug can actually make your home more valuable over time.

4. Help skilled workers: When you buy handmade rugs, you're supporting talented craftspeople and making sure they're treated fairly.

5. Dive in: Discover the charm of handmade rugs and see how they can make your home more beautiful and valuable.