This is a lot of 17 vintage children’s dell yearling books. All in great condition and classic titles to eat fried worms - Thomas Rockwell - 1973

2. The Pooh party book - Virginia Ellison - 1971

3. Mr poppers penguins - Richard and Florence Atwater 1986

4. Ann Aurleia and Dorothy Natalie savage carlson 1986

5. Otherwise known as Sheila the great judy Blume 1972

6. The great brain at the academy John d Fitzgerald 1973

7. Teddy teaburys fabulous fact by sandy asher 1985 1st printing by EL Konigsberg 1970

9.the cricket winter by Felipe Holman 1973

10. Skinny by Robert Burch 1970

11. Pippa mouse by Betty biegehold 1977

12.lizzie lies a lot by Elizabeth levy 1977

13.the smartest Bear and his brother Oliver by Alice Bach 1976

14. Sam Houston by Jean Lee Latham 1973

15. The great cheese conspiracy by Jean van Leeuwen 1969

16. Martins mice by dick king-smith 1990

17.soup for president robert newton peck 1986