"The Awesome Answer1'

Deciding that Thor is worthy, Galactus tells the Thunder God of his origins starting from the very beginning. Galactus continues with his tale from where he left off, how he was aboard a ship that crashed before a member of the Watchers. How that Watcher found that the entire crew had been slain by some strange plague, all except for one, a strange being that was glowing with energy, one whom would soon become Galactus. Thor deduces this and this sends Galactus into a brief fury, however he calms enough to explain how he came to that point...

Galactus explains that he originated from a utopian world known as Taa, an advanced civilization that knew peace for many years. However, the planet would soon become doomed as its people began succumbing to the Creeping Plague, a sickness that was killing countless alien worlds, and was now infecting the people of Taa. With the people dying en masse, a group of lone survivors decided to leave their world and fly their ship into the heart of the largest star they could find, so that they would die in a blaze of glory...