Encyclopedia of Antiquities & Elements of Archaeology, Classical and Medieval

in 2 volumes by Rev Thomas Dudley Fosbroke, London1825

A scarce illustrated work on archeology from the early nineteenth century, covering Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Norman and English.

With discussion of the ancient Greek, Roman, British, Anglo Saxon, Norman and English dress.

Example of Contents for Volume 2:

Barrows Camps Earthworks Roads Rude Stoneworks c c alphabetically arranged
Plan of the Roman Tertiata Castra adapted
Manners and Customs of private Life among the Laity alphabetically arranged
Carving from Beverley Minster allusive
Stage before the use of Scenes
Cromlech at Enstone Oxfordshire
1 Arms of the Classical Æra
Falchion wherewith the Champion Conyers
Military EnginesProjectile Machines
Ancient Cannon at Ghent called Mad Mar
Knight in Armour of the 14th century with
Some general Remarks for ascertaining the Eras of Figures in the Middle Ages
Concise Account of distinct Articles of Dress alphabetically arranged