Explore the pages of Standing Down Goliath, an engrossing novel by Paul McGuire that delves into a wide range of topics such as spirituality, engineering & technology, action, religious & spiritual, modern & contemporary, physiology, parapsychology, history, paranormal, politics & society, and physics. The book takes the readers on a journey through various themes such as DNA, artificial intelligence, cyborgs, nano-chips, prophecy, and Armageddon, making it a fascinating read for both young adults and adults.

This captivating novel comes in a paperback format and features large print, making it an easy and comfortable read. The book was published in 2014 and is in the historical genre. It is written in English and has no inscriptions, ex libris, or personalization. Get your hands on Standing Down Goliath and immerse yourself in a world of thought-provoking ideas and thrilling action.