MAJSTER is a Polish company that constantly ensures that its products are:
⭐ Refined ⭐ Failure-free, at work ⭐ Comfortable, price-quality ⭐ Unrivaled

⭐ REFRESHING ROOMS, eliminating viruses and microorganisms.
⭐ ODOR REMOVAL and decomposition of harmful chemical compounds, tobacco odors, animal odors.
⭐ REMOVAL OF ODORS caused by bacteria and fungi accumulated in the air conditioning system.
⭐ DISINFECTION OF AIR CONDITIONING in passenger cars, delivery vans and trucks.


Car washes, body shops, car upholstery cleaning companies. ✔️
Gastronomy - removes burning odors, odors specific to this industry. ✔️
Hotel industry - removes organic odors, tobacco, etc. ✔️
Food industry - killing bacteria resistant to chemicals and temperatures. ✔️

!!! Do not stay in an ozonated room. !!!
After disinfection, ventilate the room thoroughly until the specific smell of ozone is removed.

✅Here are the most popular OZONATOR and model on the Polish market:
⭐MP-0490. proven for years, incredibly efficient and 100% failure-free⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

✅ Increased blow power of the rotor blades and a new design, reinforced 140W motor!!

✅ Set at a large distance generating as much as 60,000 MG/H 4x plates

✅ New, solid timer - you need to use more force to start the ozonator, but it cannot be damaged mechanically

Extremely attractive prices for similar products online? very tempting? does the cheapest offer go hand in hand with the quality sufficient to carry out the work?

Does Cheapness equal Quality? Where's the difference ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐?
Be aware when purchasing goods at the lowest prices on the market
a small difference in price translates into large differences in quality, service and service
True, not overestimated maximum efficiency obtainable from (4) tiles, given reliably as well as other parameters!!!

Manufacturers often provide exorbitantly high values ​​without specifying the number of ozone-generating plates, which are often 2 or 3.
This is absurd and it is impossible to obtain a higher MG/H value with a smaller number of tiles :)

✅ TECHNICAL DATA: Brand: MAJSTER Model: MP-0490 Rated voltage: 230V Plate voltage: 5500V Power: 140W Efficiency: 60,000 mg/h Air flow: 200m3/h Fan capacity: 2600 rpm Working time adjustment: 1-60 min Corona discharge High quality ozone tiles

✅ DEVICE OPERATION The ozone generator is a device that allows you to destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, as well as eliminate unwanted odors. The device is easy to use: it starts working after connecting to the power supply and setting the required time. It is assumed that the average ozonation time for a car or a small room is approximately 30 minutes.

✅ MOBILITY The durable handle allows for quick, safe and easy transport of the device to a place requiring the ozonation process. Compact size enabling its use in household appliances or a car.

✅ The most frequently purchased ozonator is for removing fungi from the car and its air conditioning. You should remove fungi from your car's air conditioning at least once a year, such a service at an authorized service center
costs money, and we also waste time taking the car to the service center - here we can do this treatment ourselves, the device pays
for itself after 2 treatments!!!

✅ Ozonation is a simple, uncomplicated activity. The purpose of ozonation is disinfection (decontamination), deacarization (i.e. removal of inhalant and contact allergens) and deodorization. Ozone performs the deodorization process, i.e. it eliminates odors, not masks them. Ozone disinfection involves the removal of bacteria, viruses, fungi and their spores. Allergens removed by deacarization are not only the cause of allergies but also cause permanent changes
in the human body (neurosis, rheumatism, migraines), and fungal mycotoxins are a strong toxin and are therefore poisonous.

✅ Ozonation brings tangible benefits.

 It is used by individuals, companies and industrial plants. ✔️ Ozonation of rooms and air eliminates bacteria, viruses, allergens, fungi and their spores. ✔️

⭐ Unlike using air fresheners, it removes unwanted odors rather than masking them. ✔️

Ozone disinfection is carried out in apartments, cars, kindergartens, hotels and other places where clean air is required. ✔️