This is 3 lbs of fossil shells from Florida, many of these shells are extinct.

Just a few of the extinct species in this batch are:

Pleioptygma (Mitra) lineolata

Fasciolaria scalarina

Hystrivasum horridum (or locklinii)

Solenosteria mengeana

Conus adversarius

...and many more

The locality of these specific shells is not precisely known, but these will likely be from the Caloosahatchee formation which spans the boundary of these pliocene and pleistocene ages (1.8 to 2.5 million years ago)

This was a period before the last ice age, and Florida was mostly shallow ocean as the water level was so high (hence these deposits are found far inland today).  The land and sea then had many species we would feel were familiar, but most of which are now extinct.  In the sea this included sea cows (dugongs), various seals and sea lions, whales, many corals and fishes, and many sharks (sadly megalodon was gone by this period).  On the land there would have been Mammoths and Mastodons, Giand sloths and Giant armadillos, Glyptodonts, and Saber toothed cats as well as dire wolves.  The period of the Caloosahatchee formation was a time well before humans came to Florida, and indeed according to the fossil record, before humans existed.  No Human would have walked the shoreline and picked up the extinct species here.

Please message me with any questions!